Hello my name is Michele and I creditzio mediator, I work for a major financial company.
salary for all government employees, state and private loans are provided with direct deduction from the paycheck, these loans are known as Transfer of salary and payment mandates and are both regulated by law N. 180, 1950 respectively by Titles I and IV.
private employees who have access to this particular form of financing and cost are all employees employed at Spa Ltd. and what is sought is a permanent contract for at least 6 months (date of employment varies depending on the category and Digit request).
These are loans that range from 24 to 120 months, and start at a minimum to a maximum of € 1,500.00 and € 70,000.00 are payable even in case of protests, foreclosures and other outstanding loans.
The characteristics of this loan is the convenience of payment, because the rate is directly deducted from their pay so you avoid both costs reports a loss of time in the bank or post office, and the rates very competitive because we are in the presence of a TAN of 3.95%.
But another feature is the required documentation, in fact, the Customer must provide only a valid ID, social security number and the last paycheck, because you do not require either la motivazione, questo anche in caso di Clienti con disguidi finanziari.
Infine con la Cessione del Quinto c'è la possibilità di estinguere i precedenti prestiti in corso con una sola rata, quindi invece di avere più rate da pagare ce ne sarà una sola avendo così una busta paga molto più consistente di quella precedente; ed inoltre la Cessione stessa si può estinguere in qualunque momento, senza spese da sostenere o more da pagare, anzi scorporando gli interessi rimanenti dal prestito senza doverli così pagare.
PRESTITO a Dipendenti Pubblici, Privati,Statali e Pensionati con importi a partire da € 1.500 fino ad un massimo di € 70.000 e con durate a partire da 24 fino a 120 mesi.
Per tutti i dipendenti pubblici e statali, ma anche per alcune categorie di dipendenti privati, sono previsti prestiti con trattenuta direttamente sulla busta paga; tali prestiti prendono il nome di Cessione del Quinto dello Stipendio e di Delegazione di Pagamento e sono entrambi regolati dalla legge N. 180 del 1950 rispettivamente dai Titoli I e IV.
I dipendenti privati che possono accedere a questa particolare e vantaggiosa forma di finanziamento sono tutti i dipendenti assunti presso Spa e Srl.
Ciò che viene richiesto è un contratto a tempo indeterminato da almeno 6 mesi (la data di assunzione varia a seconda della categoria e della cifra richiesta).
Questi sono prestiti che vanno da 24 a 120 mesi, e partono da un minimo of a maximum of € 1,500.00 and € 70,000.00 are payable even in the presence of protests, foreclosures and other outstanding loans.
The characteristics of this loan is the convenience of payment, because the rate is directly deducted from their pay so you avoid both costs reports a loss of time in the bank or post office, and the rates very competitive because we are in the presence of a TAN of 3.95%.
Another feature is the required documentation, in fact only the Customer must provide: proof of identity
tax code
last paycheck;
It does not even require justification, that even in case of misunderstandings with customers Financial.
the sale of the Fifth is the ability to pay off previous loans outstanding in one installment, so instead of having more installments to be paid there will be only one having a paycheck so much larger than the previous one, and additionally the sale itself may cancel at any time, after netting out the remaining interest on the loan without having to pay it.
Fifth Small Business Small Business
Fifth funding is dedicated to employees of small companies such as
limited liability companies (Articles 2325, 2452, 2462) with fewer than 16 employees
general partnership (art. 2291 of the Code civil) society in
accomandita semplice (art. 2313 del Codice Civile)
società cooperative (art. 2511 del Codice Civile)
Le caratteristiche principali sono:
Cittadinanza Italiana
Coesistenze ammesse: Pignoramento
Anzianità di servizio: 12 mesi
Durata: da 24 a 72 mesi
Montante max 20.000,00€ (senza rapporto tfr/ml), non superabile
No Extracomunitari
Tipologie di aziende NON ammesse: Imprese edili, centri e scuole di formazione, partiti politici,sindacati, fast food, sale bingo.
Malattia: Non Considerata
Prestito con Delega
Il Prodotto “Delega di Pagamento” è un prestito a dipendenti through direct payroll deduction can be used alongside the sale of the fifth, a personal finance is not intended to be paid a fixed interest rate, repayment in installments of up to 120 months.
The installment includes all ancillary costs, insurance costs to risk life and employment, the share capital and share interests. The amount can be used for any reason (Loan has not been finalized).
It is for the employer pay the regular payment amount is retained on the payroll of the employee, who used this form of loan to finance its purchases.
The same employer is responsible to make timely and regular basis trattenute in busta paga in favore della finanziaria.
L'importo della rata viene calcolato avendo come base lo stipendio netto del dipendente e non può eccedere il 1/2 del medesimo.
Il prestito con delega di pagamento è rivolto a tutte le categorie di lavoratori, siano essi pubblici, statali e privati.
Per accedervi è obbligatorio il benestare da parte del datore di lavoro per quanto riguarda i dipendenti privati.
Prestito a Pensionati
Prestito da 24 fino a 120 mesi anche a Pensionati INPDAP, INPS, IPOST, da reddito da lavoro e reversvibilità per importi a partire da 2.500 € fino a 30.000 €.
Sono rivolti a Pensionati Inps, Inpdap, Ipost e a tutte le other categories of pensioners except for survivors' pensions and disability benefits that are not accepted.
The minimum pension to access this loan is 600 € net per month and funding must end no later than the eightieth birthday.
the remainder of the criteria are the same as loans to employees, in fact, loans are deducted directly from the pension, ranging from 24 to 120 months and shall be payable in the event of financial dislocation.
Also, the documentation required (valid identity documents, tax and pension slip) and the interest rate (3.95% TAN) are equal with respect to loans to employees.
Even for these loans is possibility of early termination or renegotiation of the previous loan with a new one, keeping the same installment.
debt consolidation loans
Close all that you are being paid a single installment and even up to 120 months, you can recover debts through consolidation of purchasing power from your salary ...
In what way?
For example, if you are already in progress with funding application via rid banks or newsletters, are unlikely to meet these monthly expenses, if you are employed we will offer the loan with payroll deduction at a rate advantage (only 3, 95% of Tan!) as well as increasing your monthly availability thanks to your income you will also have a sum of money to use as you see fit (auto, travel, family etc.).
mean a double benefit: fewer payments, more 'disposable income!
The Personal Loan Personal Loan is a flexible product with the following features:
PROPERTY TYPE FINANZIATIÈ a personal loan intended to satisfy the claimant's personal or family needs. The motivation of the loan should always be specified.
AMOUNTS FUNDED From € 1,000 to € 20,000
DURATION 12 to 72 months.
bank lenders Individuals
° Workers permanent employees (at least six months) and aged pensioners compresa tra i 22 anni e i 70 anni (a fine contratto).
· Lavoratori autonomi e professionisti (da almeno un anno), con età compresa tra i 22 e i 70 anni (a fine contratto), a condizione che effettuino i pagamenti tramite rid.
Le persone fisiche non censite presso Sistemi di Informazione Creditizia con contratti attivi da almeno sei mesi, regolari, o terminati regolarmente, possono essere finanziate a condizione che:
· Siano cittadini Italiani;
· Non richiedano un importo superiore a € 3.000:
PERSONE FISICHE DI NAZIONALITA’ EXTRA-CEE Sono finanziabili a condizione che:
· siano residenti in Italia da non meno di 2 anni (dato verificabile dal permesso di soggiorno, which must be valid at the time the financing);
· have a seniority of not less than two years, the last of whom employed by the same employer.
DOCUMENTATION Documentation required of all subjects:
· license or identity card or passport Italian, the identity document must be valid.
Income Documentation:
° Workers employees: payroll for the last month or month;
° Workers pitches: pay packet as before, and last CUD;
· guest: pension slip or 730, or bank statement showing Social Security payment;
° Professionals, self-employed and sole proprietors: The only model in the shortest possible time
They've already refused a loan please contact me!
If you are interested or just wants information. Could you please write me via email or chat msn
Michele Pistritto UIC 93577
Thank you for your attention.