Monday, December 7, 2009

The Replacements Hentqai

JLPT 2009 - 日本語能力試験

Yesterday I passed the exam for certification of knowledge of Japanese (Japanese language roficiency Test). It 's a question that takes place once a year around the world (the first Sunday in December) and includes four levels, from elementary (4th) to advanced (1). In Italy it can be argued in Rome and Milan. This was the last year for this system, next year there will be a new level between the current 3 ° and 2 ° for bridging the jump of difficulty it was there. The test consists of 3 parts, the first part of 35 minutes on Kanji and vocabulary. Then there is an even 35 minutes of sound understanding and ultimately 75 more minutes of grammar and comprehension of a text. The proof is long and stressful, the time available to me is too tight, are risucire to respond and relate to the answers shortly. I guess if you are good but there are problems with time for my neighbor's bench was a boy of 15 years the Japanese, he answered quickly and then slept on the bench.
The test began at 13:15 but we were asked to present at 12:00. After a check of the first and last name and an identity document you can sit Classroom in its place, the seats are assigned according to registration number. In Milan's Bocconi takes place in classrooms. A support level 3 180 were all in a classroom style lecture hall. Thanks to a good sound system for audio evidence of understanding of the dialogue took place without problems. The controls were very strict, there were 8 people in check during the course, was not allowed to have anything on the bench except rubber and pencil, nenache water for drinking. The thing that is not yet understood that if someone had played any device, even a wristwatch would be expelled. These industry professionals at the end of each test were checked and recounted everything! Questions and answer sheets (not allowed portare a casa nulla).

Elenco tutto quello che ho usato per lo studio che potrebbe essere utile a qualcun'altro. Ancora non posso dirvi se è efficace perchè il risultatò si saprà a Marzo.

- 3 complete master Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level Anti grammar exercises : Grammatica con Esercizi
- 200 Intermediate Japanese grammar expressions used any time if (ALC Press Japanese text) (単 行 本) : Grammar much more detailed (perhaps too much, but useful for clarification)
- examination of the site with traces of the past with audio
- jp /: site of a Japanese language school with other free stuff, including: list of kanji for level, verbs and adjectives.
- Kotoba application for iPhone:
useful dictionary - ShinKanji application for the iPhone: useful for Kanji dictionaries

'm not sure it went well but I am satisfied with the work done. Having a obbettivo helps to study more. I finally studied seriously and regularly, whereas before I was reading something from time to time.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

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Tsundere Cafè

are now well known, the Maid Cafe in Japan, namely those cafe where female staff wearing uniforms as a waitress and is aimed at customers with very gentle ways. Akihabara in Tokyo there are thousands of such local and with different variations and nuances. Among the variants, ultimately is depopulating a particular type of cafe called tsundere cafe. The word derives dall'uinione the word tsundere tsuntsun (ツン ツン) which means grumpy, rude, and the word Deredia (デレデレ) means that instead of loving. In practice, contrary to what happens in a classic Maid Cafe, a tsundere Cafe waitresses are aimed at customers with rough ways and unkind to the time when the customers go away when the waiter turned into classic waiter from Maid Cafe. Here's where it comes from the origin of the word.
watch the video below with subtitles to understand what happens at these locations.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Throat Cancer Simpsons

Pasta alla Giapponese

The dough is now known around the world and has become a common dish in other countries. In Japan you cook the pasta, not so often, though stores can be found without difficulty. Then as always happens with imported foods are contaminated with local flavor, and here in Japan have invented the dough with a commoner Taranco. The commoner Taranco looks a little to our mullet, but you can use for salads with pasta is very good. You can buy ready-just add the sauce to the pasta, the whole can be enriched with nori seaweed (including those already in the package). So the preparation is a snap.

The product is very popular in Japan and was also set up a merchandise with the mascot. Under some advertising of the product, but I can tell the piece of music is addictive :-)

I noticed that the packaging is recommended the most suitable type of pasta to use, but it is even specified that the section should have the dough. The sentence says: "section of the paste is recommended from 1.6 mm to 1.8 mm.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Average Home Vs Dome Home

Meneghino non sei diverso

Just because two posts ago I spoke to the media in Japan, I wanted to write about the little episode that happened today. I went to the terminus of the green line to Cologno Nord them and I am ready to start the new trains purchased by ATM: The Milanese (the first train again after 45 years of service of the M1), as advertised, and had a trip inauguration with various politicians. The train is nice, finally a train where the air conditioning works, there are monitors with information on the line, the display in two languages \u200b\u200band voice announcement of the stations. I had already traveled this train, but DSU sullla red line and I must say that half is aligned to those that can be found in other countries. Let's start
, extremely quiet but I notice that the monitors were turned off and no voice announcing the next station. At the first stop after Cologno Nord, the lights went out and after some minutes of a communication driver "professional and gentle" saying "WARNING, get off the train !!!"... Finally, the train was broken. After a few minutes of attempts is distributed without us. What a disappointment. We usually got on the next train of the old green line. You too Milanese are like your colleagues, but it is known that the environment conditions.

I took the picture after we have sent down.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Prolxys Penis Enlargement


I feel very Japanese festivals, celebrations and the change of seasons so that the layout of the city, the windows and the themes used for example in the cards change frequently and are modeled on the avveniento closer. We too are trying to follow this shape with our little corner that I mentioned in other posts. For summer are different themes you can use the morning glory flower, watermelon, the Fuurin, the goldfish, the Mailin with open mouth that is used to burn the coils fireworks and several others. We hung a Fuurin near our window.
One of the summer festivals, the forthcoming (July 7) and Tanabe.
This festival originates from an old story that tells of the daughter of the God of heaven who lived near the Milky Way and the frame used to create the kimono for the other gods. When Orihime, that was the girl became an adult that his father thought the time had come for the wedding and started looking for a good match for her. After much research we came across a boy Hikoboshi who was named the guardian of the cows of the Milky Way. The two fell in love at first sight and both forgot their jobs taken by passion. Gradually, the gods iniziaraono to complain to the father of the fact that Orihime could not have more new kimono, and they were getting old, and that the cows of the Milky Way were abandoned without treatment. Orihime's father was very angry and decided to separate young people by forcing them to live in the two opposite sides of the Milky Way. But Orihime became very sad, and so the father decided that the seventh day of the seventh month of the two could meet, and the two began to work hard waiting every year on July 7 when Orihime could cross the Milky Way for Hikoboshi meet. On rainy days, but the level of the Milky Way too much saliva and Orihime could not cross the river, then a magpie who appeared out of nowhere created a bridge for her on the milky way. On July 7, there are two stars in the sky that are very close to Altair and Vega ie Hikoboshi and Orihime.
On this day, everyone wants their meeting and has become a day when all you want to express in general. To bind the many branches of bamboo slip of paper with the words and desires that are burned in the evening. At the Osaka
skybulding we found a giant reproduction of the leaflet you want and you can see in the picture above, it was possible to write your wish on a star.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hair Design For The Vagia

In Giappone anche i treni fanno l'inchino

When you get on a vehicle in Japan and 'continuous hearing voices that never stop. I initially asked myself what they were saying, 'cause I did not understand,' cause I was hit by too many new sounds and noises and then 'cause I stared to English which allowed me to get my bearings. In Japan there are little voices recorded anywhere that say what is going to happen, and what 'dangerous thing to do, what not to do so. If, for example, climbed on a bus, as it stops a little voice will tell 'the direction it is traveling, then a little voice will say' you need a card that will serve ritare 'then the driver to understand what you need to pay, then tell' the door is to close and so with thanks. Then the whole trip on the train on the bus is the little voice will tell ', after thanking the traveler, what' s the next stop, which lines can be changed at the next stop, then the next and the next stop if it is terminus, the side of the door opening and before going down the little voice will remind you of 'not to forget anything on the half thanking you over and over again. Now in many cases the sentences are repeated in English.
addition to the automatic entries, however, 'another voice is heard and that' it is recorded and the driver (or employee) with a microphone. Its task is' to give more travel information, for example if a train stops' cause the traffic lights and red ', he scusera' per l'attesa spiegando il motivo della fermata. Oppure annunciano che il treno sta per partire e che le porte si stanno per chiudere. Sull'autobus l'autista potra' dire per esempio che non fara' una fermata perche' non c'e' nessuno che aspetta e nessuno ha fatto la chiamata. Oggi sull'autobus mi e' capitato un autista loquace che annunciava addirittura le curve invitando a fare attenzione, oppure dopo l'attesa al semaforo informava che l'autobus stava per ripartire e invitava a regersi alle apposite maniglie. Poi l'autista dell'autobus quando e' il momento del pagamento ringrazia i viaggiatori uno per uno. Questi pero' in genere annunciano solo in inglese.
Tutto e' correlato da display e monitor in doppia lingua.
Sull'autobus la vocina registrata annuncia anche della pubblicita' del tipo: "nei pressi di questa fermata c'e' il tal ristorante con una cucina squisita".
Quando passerete dai tornelli perfavore notate che gli omini nella gabietta non stanno leggendo il giornale, o guardando la minitv, vi stanno ringraziando. Alla stazione di Osaka nelle ore di punta svariati impiegati si dispongono vicino ai tornalli per ringraziare i viaggiatori.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fungal Nail Infection

La gita

Ieri ho passato una bella giornata in gita con i suoceri. Ormai e' diventata una tradizione fare una giornata in gita quando torniamo in Giappone. Come nella migliore tradizione giapponese tutto e' sempre organizzato e preciso. Il papa' ha praparato un programma scitto al computer con tanto di foto e traduzione in inglese dei posti che saremmo andati a vedere, mappe e tutti gli orari dei treni e autobus. Mi piace fare questa giornata in genere e' molto piacevole. Prima c'e' la parte della visita a posti importanti, poi il pranzo, e poi shopping. Ieri prima della cena mio soucero mi ha preso in disparte e mi ha detto: "Mi raccomando! Stasera a cena si beve!" E io so gia' cosa significa, quando c'e' lui esco sempre ubriaco di sake. Mi ricordo ancra la prima volta che sono venuto in Giappone, quando Miyuki lavorava, io uscivo con lui, abbiamo girato tanti posti ad Osaka, ma anche tanti posticini nascosti dove si mangia e beve per pochissimo ma alle 6 del pomeriggio ero gia' ubriaco e Miyuki non apprezzava tanto. A cena abbiamo mangiato uno sciabi sciabu delizioso and then to return along with other Japanese Behind the house we all slept on the train.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Vitantonio Waffle Usa

Dal Giappone

It 's been a bit' of time since my last post, I abandoned this blog, but it 's been a long time since my last post written from Japan, this comes after a year and a half. Today 's my first day of two weeks' vacation in the land of the rising sun. Sure I will be back 'the inspiration to write.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Kidney Stone Pain Humor

St. Patrick's Day 2009

And in the end we succeeded, after many promises attempts this year and we celebrated St. Patrick in Ireland and for me for the first time in Dublin. Some pictures:

Thanks to Stephen and Marianna

Monday, March 2, 2009

Nadine Jansen Milk Milena Velba


the corner we had prepared for New Year a few weeks ago and it has changed its theme is Women's Day (Hinamatsuri 雛 祭り).

Women's Day in Japan on March 3 and a few weeks before we expose dolls representing figures of men and women who wear the kimono. The tradition is very old and the dolls were originally used to protect the health of children exposed at home attracted the bad luck and bad fate, on the feast day, March 3, were then abandoned in the rivers. The first pictures of the dolls were very simple, without even a single card, gradually over the years have become more beautiful and the party has become the day devoted to girls only. Today saw the beauty of the dolls and then reached the cost does not let go more into the river but are now held on March 4, seems to leave them in sight after the party is bad luck to the girls who are reluctant to marry.
In some countries, however, the tradition continues and Shinto shrines are celebrated in the ceremonies.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Milena Velba Nadine Jansen Milking

Che vergogna

Two weeks ago we went to the police station Milano aggiornare il permesso di soggiorno di Miyuki. Mi era stato consigliato di andare la mattina presto per ritirare i numeri elimina coda e quindi alle 6.30 di mattina eravamo già in fila (e non tra i primi) di fronte all'ufficio, con una temperatura intorno ai zero gradi, attenti a non farci scavalcare dai soliti furbetti che ci provavano. Per fortuna alle 7.30 hanno aperto gli uffici e ci siamo potuti accomodare all'interno ma... da qui in poi il buio. Alle 8.00 i vari sportelli hanno inziato a scandire i turni ma con una lentezza Kafkiana. Non esistendo uno sportello di informazioni regnava l'anarchia totale, tra la difficoltà della lingua e la disinformazione gli utenti impegnavano gli operatori di sportello tra la fine di un turno e l'inzio del prossimo delaying the flow of numbers. Also roamed the offices of the figures, which probably offer their expertise in payment for those in need, and who would not dream of take turns, and probably do not even have the number, contributing to the accumulation of tens of minutes our expectation.
When it was our turn (at about 12:00) I have to say I tovato door competent operators and it all worked out soon but only for the control of documents, to have the proper permit ( yet the old piece of paper) is to be expected signature of responsible and to be attacked some of the photo for this abiamo waited another 2 hours!

We left the office after seven and a half hours after our arrival!

Not only that, the premises of the waiting room were very cold and the toilets were out of order! (Or, as some claimed not to clean them attack the cartel to discourage use). I honestly I was ashamed and sorry for my wife and I tried sorrow for all those mothers who were waiting with young children who were crying.

It 's a shame for a country that defines itself civilized and ranks among the most industrialized states.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Velicity Von Comeback

Arangiri アランギリ

At home it is normal that some mix between Japan and Italy, giving rise to new things and today between arancini we cooked a of them tried to resemble a onighiri, so we christened Aranagiri.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

..lupus. More Condition_symptoms

Harunonana kusa

For those who want to ensure a year of sound waves must take advantage today and eat Harunonana kusa (春 の 七草) literally means the seven herbs of spring. It is rice boiled in salt water and seven herbs: centonchio (hakobera), turnip (Suzuna), wild radish (suzushiro), grass Peperina (serious), borsapastore (nazunia) lapsana (hatokenoza) and cudweed (gogyou) a ' Asian grass. I know that some of these have a strange name but that's what I found in the dictionary. In Japan you can buy with the Box containing all seven herbs.
This preparation is also good for stomach especially after eating so many indications of the new year for the Italians saw the binges past.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

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New Year (oshougatsu お正月) is the most important holiday in Japan at this time and as we decorate our homes with Christmas symbols, using the Japanese New Year decorations in many homes. This year we have prepared the corner oshougatsu.

Left-c is a small altar with two cows, this is because according to the Chinese horoscope 2009 is the year of the cow. Every year around New Year can be seen in shops, temples and homes different representations (pictures, dolls, etc..) year of the animal that will characterize the new parameter, which drives away bad luck. At its heart is a
kagamimochi (镜 饼) a symbol that derives from the Shinto religion. Originally formed by two different forms of mochi, the little one on top and larger at the bottom. Today you can find on the market of plastic structures in real mochi. The two mochi are placed on a kind of altar called sanpou (三宝) that will protect the house from fire during the year. Among the mochi and sanpou there is a sheet of paper. The kagamimochi is an offer that is made to the gods, and is held in the house until the 11th of January when it can be eaten families, but without using the knife, it must be broken by hand. On the right hand a small
Kadomatsu (门 松), also a symbol used to accommodate the Shinto god Toshigami ( 年 神 ) the divinity of the new year. In fact if you go to Japan you will find them large and in front of the houses. Can be created in several ways, depending on the city, but they all have three bamboo canes of different heights than that in order siboleggiano heaven, humanity and the earth.