Events - First Course in Botany and Gardening with the People's University of Camponogara Da domani, lunedì 18 Ottobre 2010 , partirà a Vigonovo (VE) nella Sala Polivalente il primo Corso di Botanica e Giardinaggio, sotto l'egida dell' Università Popolare di Camponogara . Il docente del corso è... il sottoscritto! For I have the pleasure and the honor of being the teacher who will accompany the more than twenty-five "students" (quotation marks because the term might prefer "fellow travelers") in a program aimed on the one hand to provide some basic concepts of botany , and on the other hand to give practical suggestions for managing the garden and the garden .
The course will include, among other things, notions:
Elements of Botany, the constitution of the land, design the garden.
fertilization, composting, combating diseases and pests.
mode propagating plants.
Natural gardening and biodiversity.
Cultivation on the terrace and balcony.
place on the cultivation of the main types of vegetables.
Organic farming, natural, synergistic, permaculture.
Work on the vineyard management and the main varieties of fruit trees.
The program will still be subject to change based on different interest shown by participants on various topics.
soon, and the participants of the course ... good lessons! I hope to intrigue and to share with you what I learned.
Andrea Mangoni