Thursday, July 31, 2008

Maxine Cartoon Quotes

Dove si vive meglio?

After previous post on ranking of most expensive cities in the world, I am a bit curious' about other always prepared to rankings by Mercer . I looked at the ranking of cities in the world where you live better, that is where the quality of life according to 39 parameters (economic, political, culture, livability, health, green spaces, pollution, etc.) is best. I noticed that the Swiss cities that were among the top ten most expensive cities in the world are found among the top ten in this new classification. The first city where life is better Zurich. And 'well-made in Germany with three cttà top ten. Tokyo is only 35 °, 41 ° Milano (making up 8 positions from last year) and 25 ° Dublin.

2008 Rank City Country
1 Zurich Switzerland
2 Vienna Austria
3 Geneve Switzerland
4 Vancouver Canada
5 Auckland New Zeland
6 Dusseldorf Germany
7 Munich Germany
8 Frankfurt Germany
9 Bern Switzerland
10 Sydney Australia


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