Hi, my name is Andrea. First of all I apologize for my uncorrect English Grammar. This is my first experience as Independent Blogger. I'm co-operating with my friend Tommy in another Blog: Ask Tommy . I enjoy my selfe with photo-editing, so i decide to open this Blog to show my works. This blog is giving you, visitors of Magic Shoot, the possibility to mail me your requests... and I'm going to create the Camera Magic Shoot you desire. | Hello, I'm Andrea. Maybe I already know what collaborate on another blog: Ask Tommy . This, for me is the first experience from Blogger independently. Those who know me already know that I delight in retouching and photo montage, so I decided to try to make publish a blog where my work, but not only ... MAGIC SHOOT can give to you, visitors of my blog, send me your requests , photos related to the basic course. so I will try to create the photograph Magic. | |||
to my "free service" you must send: - an original picture of yourself - the picture Where You Wish to Be Entered in (or) - the name of the VIP you wish to Be Entered with | Anyone interested in making a request please send: - original photo - pictures in which to be inserted or - name of the VIP with which to pair and then I'll try a picture suitable | |||
use this e-mail address: | at: | |||
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WARNING : whoever is going to send me a request has to know that I'll publish the outcome picture in this Blog, just a resized version (look at the examples below); I'll also mail him/her back a full size version. I'm going to edit the pictures within 7 days of the arrival of the base material. Hope to hear from a lot of you, Andre | AVVERTENZE : se fai una richiesta, devi sapere che il risultato verrà pubblicato, anche se in versione ridotta (vedi examples) and one copy in original size, you will be returned back . will try to do the fittings within 7 days from dispatch of material. Be many nn ashamed to ask, Andre |
Friday, December 31, 2010
Florida Drivers License Templates
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Shippuden Gifs Thread
Friday, December 24, 2010
Fish Sticks South Park Episode
icicles on the roof of a neighbor. |
few days ago, on the roof in front of my house, there were beautiful icicles as long I could not see. I remember as a child we called them "the pyro £ i", and wanted to drive for them smangiucchiare (when clean!).
I would have liked in these festivals, if not the snow, there was a bit 'cold and a little more than' less moisture. But no: rain and south, and with them the high water. For most of Italy, the high water is a problem for me that I am here to work in Venice, however, a po' meno.
Ma in questa giornata di vigilia non sono solo, qui, sulla mia isola: un gheppio ( Falco tinnunculus ) si è messo a cacciare davanti alla mia finestra, agile e bellissimo, e ogni tanto piomba sulle siepi di bosso del giardino all'italiana per predare qualche insetto o qualche lucertola che abbia incautamente osato metter furoi il muso nonostante la pioggia. tra parentesi, le lucertole dell'isola di San Giorgio sono un po' sfortunate: in autunno TUTTE, inesorabilmente, si ammalano di una strana forma di papilloma cutaneo. Vabbè, al gheppio non importa.
The young specimen of Euscorpius italicus found at work today. . Photo of Michele Ballarin. |
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Does Gucci Havea Outlet Store
The meeting made me attend, along with other "candidates", a presentation to the computer where it comes to health, lifestyle, obesity, new discoveries, and more or less serious problems can be solved with the power, of course using natural and nutritionally balanced: the products Herbalife.
Alla fine dell'incontro ci viene proposto anche di andare a un meeting durante il quale ci sarebbero state date tutte le informazioni relative alla parte "lavorativa". Accetto di andare anche a questa ulteriore dimostrazione.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
What Is Royphnol Made Of
Epipactis atrorubens . Photo by Andrea Mangoni. |
There is something grand in the idea of \u200b\u200blife, with its infinite potential, originally bestowed by the Creator into few forms or into one, and while this planet has continued to rotate, following the immutable laws of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms , more beautiful and wonderful , have evolved and still evolving.Charles Darwin
“Infinite forme bellissime"... un magnifico argomento per inaugurare il nostro Carnevale. Sì, ma nel nostro caso, di cosa potrei parlarvi? Potrei parlarvi dell'impossibilità applicativa ed esistenziale di quell'aggettivo, “infinito”, o cercare di inquadrare i concetti di “bellezza” o “biodiversità”... Invece, per ora mi limiterò molto più semplicemente a parlarvi di alcuni organismi che sembrano in qualche modo racchiudere pur con debite limitations on all three words in the title. Today riesumerò indeed a topic that was expecting to deal in the spring, but given the grayness of this period will be perfect to liven up our rainy winter days. We will talk about some beautiful plants, orchids.
A magnificent tropical orchid. Photo by Andrea Mangoni. |
Epipactis helleborine. Photo by Andrea Mangoni |
Angraecum sesquipedalian. Source: Wikipedia |
Siamo però abituati a pensare alle orchidee come a specie bellissime ed appariscenti... ma tropicali. Non pensiamo - se non raramente - al fatto che esistono anche da noi piante di questa famiglia, e anche parecchie! A seconda delle bizzarrie e delle revisioni che subisce la tassonomia di queste piante, vengono contati fino a 29 generi e 189 tra specie e sottospecie; l'ultima segnalata sarebbe Ophris murgiana , salita al rango di specie solo nel 2009. E non parliamo poi degli ibridi spontanei!
Orchis morio . Foto di Andrea Mangoni. |
Molte delle orchidee spontanee italiane sono accumunate dal fatto di essere geofite, di avere cioè organi ipogei che permettono loro di sopravvivere anno dopo anno e di moltiplicarsi. Per alcuni generi, tali organi assumono la forma di due rizotuberi, vagamente similar to a pair of testicles, and right here is the name of orchid: orchis actually means in greek "testicle," and Orchis is also one of the most beautiful Italian genres and representative. The Italian orchids usually have flowers of various forms: elongated chopsticks as flowers, or conic as a spiraling Turritella, full of flowers or loose. Generally depend on insects for their pollination, and in some genres to promote the arrival of pollinators evolution has brought the lip to change incredibly. The genus Ophrys , in fact, flowers are devoid of nectar, which have achieved a degree of specialization, or better than coevolution with their pollinators truly remarkable. We said we do not have nectar ... then what they offer to attract the insects, if not the food? Well, give the other "vital impulse" main: sex. The lip of these plants it is usually dark, hairy, with a translucent zone (mirror) that remind you of some hairless areas of the body of certain insects in short, look like a lot of females abdomen of certain Hymenoptera (bees, solitary sfecidi, vespidi ). If the look was not enough to convince the hexapod boy, this is taken literally for the ... nose: the flower it produces substances similar to pheromones produced by females during mating. Thus, the wasp, definitely duped, he rushes to copulate with the flower, covering it with pollen. Realizing the error, walks away angry but soon ends up committing the same mistake again ... fertilising so another flower. And to avoid ... errors, each species of Ophrys attracts a specific anthophilous.
Ophrys bertolonii . Photo by Andrea Mangoni. |
Il giusto approccio davanti ad un campo di orchidee: meraviglia, rispetto e macchina fotografica! |
In ogni caso, è' anche a causa di questo ciclo vitale dalle primissime fasi lunghe e complesse che le orchidee spontanee sono di norma ottimi indicatori biologici: possono di norma compiere il loro completo ciclo vitale solo in ambienti ecologicamente stabili e maturi. Le orchidee sono, giustamente, protette dalla Convenzione di Washington o CITES, che ne vieta detenzione, commercio e raccolta a meno che non other species reproduced under controlled conditions. It is a meritorious work that legally prevents someone can decide to take home some of these jewels to put it in the garden. However, this protection applies in the case of trade, and if destroyed a habitat of orchids in which they live ... it goes almost unnoticed.
Neotinea tridentata . Foto di Andrea Mangoni. |
Ritorno l'anno dopo. La siepe di salici non c'è più. Tutto eliminato per ottenere pellet da stufe. Il terreno intorno scavato ed asportato per uno spessore di 30 e passa centimetri. Al posto del prato stabile, una selva di rovi e luppolo. Cerco le orchidee che mi avevano affascinato così tanto... nulla di nulla.
splendid example of Neotinea tridentata habitat seen above. Photo by Andrea Mangoni. |
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Tennessee Nursing Liscence
Come funziona -
Once enrolled in a course there is assigned an ID and a password to access an e-learning platform from which we can download the slides of the weekly lessons, and an online tutor ready to help for any of our difficulties. Once you download all the lessons we can book the exam that we support at headquarters and campus-we preferred to choose between Novedrate (Como), Rome and Messina. The first examination is mandatory to support Novedrate.Per who has work experience in areas related to the option chosen, there is the possibility of being credited some credits. Even for those who exercise the profession of surveyor is possible 60 credits to be credited to the Engineering course I do not know that, in practice corresponding to approximately one year of study.
On top of that, we were strongly advised to follow the seminars that teachers take the day before taking the exam. In addition we have suggested the possibility of concluding with the CEPU, contracts for services of a tutor in the presence "if we had needed it. Of course, the annual tuition fee varies depending on how many hours in the presence of tutors are signed. For 48 hours in the presence of tutors per year (four hours per month), the cost of the line ranges from € 6,900 to € 7,900 in the humanities to the science faculties. If you choose a contract with more hours may exceed the 10,000 euro.Da also noted that the e-Campus is a private university is legally recognized by the Italian state.
In contrast, however, we must also say that workers at the State University have the option not to attend "linked" to find and study material on the Internet just like a Telematics. Also, if you do not understand something you can go grauitamente by a professor to ask for explanations. You call ahead and he is forced to make an appointment.
course everyone is free to spend the money as it sees fit, but If private universities are given the opportunity to compete with the public, you should remove the legal value of a dilution study and make them exclusively cultural qualifications, or you risk that the object of competition is not the quality of service and preparation, but the ease with which you get your diploma. Problem which has already been strong in Italy with the competition created between them that public power after independence and the reform of Berlinguer 3 +2 have begun to create courses on the courses, many perfectly useless, devaluing the value in a criminal and the degree of credibility.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Jean Lafitte And Band Of Pirates
Shareware Moremotion
He always comes out as the most important politician of the sad, sad Italian landscape.
We are not referring as much to win hands down in the last elections, fairly obvious, but rather to the 2006 elections when, after five years of his poor governance and the electoral defeat of his coalition, his party was still the most votes.
The strange thing, though, is that you never find anybody who goes around bragging that he voted for Berlusconi. Yet we believe it is right behind this reticence that hide the deeper reasons for the success of Berlusconi and the defeat of the Left.
The reason no one claims to have voted in our view is that in recent decades, the "pseudo-left", arrogant and self-referential, invaded by any means any place where the potential target was present electoral , inducing voters Berlusconi to be ashamed, or even fear, in siding with the "Lord."
A joke is a good example to understand this phenomenon of intellectual racism. It circulates a lot about Berlusconi and those who vote, but this explains everything.
The joke in question states that God, when he created the world's peoples, he gave them each two qualities. Alas, to the Italians gave it three: intelligence, honesty and force Italy to vote. The Archangel Gabriel, however, aware that the Italians were given three qualities and not two, like other peoples, the fearfully pointed out to the Lord. These would remedy ordering that were attributed to every Italian only two of the three qualities that he had created for this nice people, so that today each Italian or is intelligent and honest, but do not vote for Forza Italy, or is smart and vote for Forza Italy, but it's dishonest; or if he is honest and vote for Forza Italy, can not be an idiot.
reading this joke, you can smile for a moment, but a person with a little 'intellect is not biased, just understand that you can not settle on a surface so the vote of a majority of Italians.
The reasons why the Italians vote Berlusconi are others. First of many begin feel that the solutions to social problems of the Left are not very different religious opium.
Who has blurry vision drug, however, they can note with the greatest aspirations which determine the freedom of a man, find answers from the Left who do not meet any legitimate claim to dignity. The solution put forward by the prince left for work, for example, is to let go of any prospect of achieving the aspiration and talent, to chase the "Place" means exploited to exhaustion, just to lull the minds and achieve election results.
The Left, in practice, non si è resa conto che ogni essere umano ha la propria personale ricetta per combattere il capitalismo e che la soluzione marxista non è l’unica possibile. Anzi è probabilmente la peggiore.
Piuttosto che guardare chi vota Berlusconi con l'arroganza e la supponenza di chi è unico cultore del sapere, allora, bisognerebbe calarsi un po’ nella realtà di chi non ha avuto o no ha voluto drogarsi con le soluzioni marxsiste, cioè tutti gli Italiani che non hanno mai avuto o voluto dallo stato aiuti economici, lavoro, casa. Persone che volendo o nolendo sono state tagliate fuori dal sistema socio-assistenziale creato in tanti anni dall'ex DC ed ex PCI. Persone che hanno dovuto arrangiarsi in tutti ways and who now wish to continue to go it alone. People who no longer have a fixed place of worship, but they have evolved a culture diametrically opposite and opposed to those who still believe in hope and aid policy.
The real reason why the Italians vote Berlusconi, then, is not the allure of money, nor the fact brainwashed by his television, nor the desire to evade taxes, or stupidity or naivete of those who vote, as even many supporters of the Left may think. Rather it is the desire to counteract a culture that is intolerant and arrogant claim to know what the good of all. The defeat of the Left is daughter, and this will sound absurd to the old political thinkers of this part, a cultural growth of the country and especially young people, that no one wants to see, but which allowed the excess part of the masses of the ideologies imposed by those who want to rape. Many do not admit it, they want to believe that Italians are now the most ignorant of a few decades ago, when nobody knew how to read and write. But we are convinced that this is not true. People do not vote for Berlusconi because he expects something according to those who were once the hopes and demands of the voters to a political, but the definitive liberation of the promises by politicians and by those who claim to know what is good in him.
We do not want to go further. It almost seems like we're making a political manifesto pro Berlusconi. It is absolutely not our intention. But sadly, our considerations lead us to think that today there is no better than the Knight in the Italian political scene. Yet we believe that this is the truth. We do not want to believe that Italian society is not capable of expressing opposition without serious ideological and vulgar envy. But before the birth of a serious opposition movement is necessary to understand that Berlusconi has not said for the stupidity of the electorate. Especially those in politics can not be so disrespectful and so stupid in this case, yes, think.
why we launch this blog, in order to boost the growth of a new political culture, Microliberista, abandoning the arrogance of the ideologues who were and finally proposing a democratic debate without preconceptions and presumption and that can act as true strength of opposition to Berlusconi.
the telescope
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Wedding Welcome Letter Samples
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Inspirational Book For Recovering Women Addicts
“Guardate gli uccelli del cielo; non seminano, non mietono, non raccolgono in granai, e il vostro padre celeste li nutre. Or, non valete voi più di loro? E chi di voi, per quanto si preoccupi può aggiungere alla durata della sua vita un solo cubito? E perché darsi tanta pena per il vestito? Guardate come crescono i gigli del campo: non lavorano, né filano, eppure vi assicuro che nemmeno Salomone, in tutta la sua gloria, fu mai vestito come uno di essi. Ora se Dio riveste così l’erba del campo, che oggi c'è e domani viene cast into the oven, not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? So please do not angustiarvi saying, "What shall we eat? What shall we drink? What we wear? "Of all these things we give attention to the Gentiles, and now your heavenly Father knows that you need all this."
Gospel of Mark, 6, v. 26
The first time I saw a wild lily, in the mountains of Cadore, I went back to his mind this passage from the Gospel. I remember thinking that someone had thrown with the trash of bulbs grown along a slope. The bright orange flowers, which are open to the sky, were so treacherously bright be illuminated by the sun the whole lawn, removing light to all the other wild flowers.
I lilies (Jan. Lilium) are plants belonging to the family of Liliaceae, also once used in traditional medicine. Among the species that live in our mountains and our forests, Lilium martagon (pictured above and right) and bulbiferum Lilium croceum or are certainly two of the most representative. But obviously this is a genus of plants that offered a lot and that has much to offer to those who love these spectacular garden of colorful baroque chandeliers. Of course, in addition to many plant species the growers and fans have created countless hybrids and cultivars, so as to meet the needs of every palate.
I think it is worth emphasizing how the lilies are victims of all kinds of pests and diseases. I'm definitely delicatine plants, so that I was an English lord who once said: " turkeys and lilies have one thing in common, namely the ambition to die . One of the most dangerous is the criocera lily, a small red beetle that feeds on it greedily, and against which the best defense remains constant observation combined with any manual elimination of pests. Not to mention slugs and millipedes, fungi and viruses ... In short, plants to be treated with care! How
multiply lilies? Well, if our goal is not to try to select hybrids or varieties, the vegetative propagation of these plants is the most easily implemented, and most importantly we are in the best time. In late summer, take the bulbs and pull gently external scales that compose them, you may take up almost half, without the bulb and then die. In the case of species such as Lilium bulbiferum , you can use directly instead cloves growing leaf axil poster. Then take scales and / or bulbilli, mescolateli a sabbia e terriccio umidi e metteteli in un sacchettino di plastica trasparente. Soffiate dentro al sacchettino, quindi richiudetelo e lasciatelo in una posizone di ombra luminosa, in un punto riparato dalle gelate. Durante l'autunno e l'inverno i bulbilli produrranno radici, e le squame staccate formeranno a loro volta alla loro base dei bulbilli che radicheranno ben presto; in primavera vi ritroverete con delle minuscole piantine composte da una fogliolina, un piccolo bulbo e qualche radice, che trapianterete in vaso o direttamente all'aperto. piano piano i bulbi cresceranno, e presto avrete una nuova generazione di magnifici e splendidi gigli per adornare il vostro giardino.
Per finire, un'ultima raccomandazione. Se vi siete innamorati dei gigli selvatici ritratti nelle foto, vi prego: NON RACCOGLIETELI IN NATURA! Si tratta di specie spesso protette ed a volte in forte rarefazione per il degrado dei loro habitat. Per fortuna esistono vivai specializzati in cui poter trovare esemplari coltivati di specie selvatiche, a volte sotto forma di cultivar di particolare bellezza (come ad esempio la varietà bianca di Lilium martagon ) . Rivolgetevi a queste realtà vivaistiche, e lasciate alle nostre montagne questi fiori di eccezionale bellezza.