Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wedding Welcome Letter Samples

Clipboard Poultry - A new group of satellite Polverara log Rossetto. The garden

Giovane gallina di Polverara. Foto di Andrea Mangoni.

As I said, my attempt to save the log Polverara Bruno Rossetto passes and passed through the formation of satellite groups, assigned to friends and acquaintances, consisting of those individuals who have even rejected by the selection of features that can not be considered mere waste, and that has more space than they deserve to be kept in the herd.

Gallina di Polverara ed incrocio. Foto di Andrea Mangoni.

With this in mind, some time ago I made a gift to Francis, a neighbor of mine who, in turn, last year gave me the first specimens of native Barbary duck suit, a group composed of a pullet, a young rooster and a crossing of the second generation of Polverara. After a few weeks, I went to see other reasons for rearing family of Francis and I could see the progress of the various specimens.

The black female is an animal that had given him a decent size, but not excellent, and looks like a lot to shape the Polverara photographed by Anita Vecchi in the 40s-50s of last century. has a nice cape, and a tail well recognized, the shape of the crown I do not like much, but the reasons that had driven me to pass it were others, are lacking a ridge horns and had a herniated brain developed enough. The other female, a white cross, but was heterozygous for the ridge to the croissants and had yellow skin. Finally, the wing: the main flaw was the tiny size and the presence of traces of red on flight feathers and saddle, as well that the total absence (or almost) of a beard and favorites; ridge on the other hand has a wonderful croissants, white skin, a good posture and especially mumps exceptional candidate for this race.

The animals are growing very well and will soon be able to reproduce. In the spring, so if their eggs will be entrusted to the loving hens, you can have a new generation, and especially animals with characteristics that make up the defects of the parents. In this way a few years I have, close to home, another strain from which to draw parallel to my future breeding to cut the blood of my group of animals.

Giovane gallo di Polverara. Foto di Andrea Mangoni.


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