Tomatoes in the Garden last season. This year there's variety! |
Yes, I know, I do not update (guiltily) the blog for a long time. I would like to tell you about amazing companies that represent good excuses, but the only reason I can camp are un'ingarbugliamento working hours (the "crisis" also affects me), but a wonderful child that requires our presence 48 hours a day, and a number of other commitments / contingencies that are outside both the everyday life but that fill so completely that do not leave me much time. For one thing: I can not respond to e-mail for two weeks.
However, there are plans, hopes and ambitions for next spring and summer months. And today I want to share with you.
In the garden, sow and plant it this year several very interesting variety. Starting with the tomatoes, where thanks to Angelo Passalacqua company of The Friends of I can finally try to grow tomatoes Re Umberto, a real gem of the past. Pending potergli alongside the real tomato Naso del Cavallino, I thought to procure the seeds of two American varieties are very interesting. The Cherokee purple tomato is an almost dark brown, fleshy, resistant to drought and disease, which apparently was already cultivated by the Cherokee Indians, the ' Hillbilly Potato Leaf is a wide variety of leaves similar to that of potato, yellow with red flesh, excellent flavor. Hopefully, in the land of Italy, do not betray their name!
Pepper papaccella Silvana |
Among the pumpkins will plant the true sea pumpkin of Chioggia , with seeds coming from the garden of an elderly Chioggia, while among the peppers will sow the short papaccella Silvana bell pepper and a Calabrian that I have been sent seeds, but I've never seen.
to remain among the Solanaceae, we come to the potatoes. sow it in the short two varieties, a red-skinned potato from the Cadore and another purple-fleshed, a French Vitelotte , perhaps not very productive, but that should give the tubers a spectacular color. Among the Umbelliferae, the lovage that a student of my course in botany has taken me from Romania will be the master, while for cabbage & co. continued my personal search for the seeds of broccoli bastard Salboro .
Pear tree centenary of Bruno. |
For fruit trees, are at least five different varieties, more or less ancient I'm playing from the plum cuttings, and expect to be able to verify the rooting of peach grafts Lorenzino on blackthorn and azzeruolo on hawthorn. Finally I will try to multiply by three beautiful varieties of graft however, all quite old. In addition I will see what will happen to the beautiful white muscat grape plant according to the gentleman who gave it to me is an old vineyard that did not require treatment antiparassitari...
E a proposito di antichità, in giardino sarà tempo di mettere a dimora le talee radicate di rose antiche e di attendere con ansia la fioritura della rosa Omar Kayyam, così come cercherò di trapiantare qualche bella rosa canina.
Garofanini dei poeti |
Seminerò anche l'altea o malvone , sia rosa che nera; e sempre nere saranno anche le aquilegie di cui mi sono fatto inviare i semi dalla Francia. Quest'anno take away the soil the seeds of carnations waiting for a couple of years, their time - we hope they are still good! While in the backyard of my will a new tree, an oak meraviugliosa a few years of life trapianterò from the shore. It is not the only oak tree to get there: there will be two tiny seedlings, one turkey and one of cork , ready to find their place.
's enough for now. Of irons in the fire there is so much, but it's not finished here. In fact, the next time I'll tell you instead of projects related to animals ...
you soon!
The roses of Camponogara |
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