Friday, July 25, 2008

Jak Zrobic Dipol Do Cb

Tokyo seconda città più cara al mondo

Tokyo than London and is a close second place among the most expensive cities in the world behind Moscow, which maintains the record for the third year in a row. Milan is not far from the Japanese capital as it is in tenth place.
The criteria used by Mercer to determine the score of the ranking is based on a comparison of more than 200 various kinds of costs, such as cost of housing, transportation, food, clothing, entertainment, etc..
Proabilmente are the first two things that jump so high in Tokyo, because I find clothes and food for much cheaper than Tokyo in Milan. E 'in Tokyo known that the houses are very expensive e pure i trasporti, rispetto a Milano, sono sicuramente più cari, infatti per noi sono già cari i trasporti dei nostri vicini europei (e noi giustifichiamo sempre il prezzo con l'efficenza).

Sorpresa... New York è all 22° posto.

Rank March 2008 City Country
1 Moscow Russia
2 Tokyo Japan
3 London UK
4 Oslo Norway
5 Seoul South Korea
6 Hong Kong China
7 Copenhagen Denmark
8 Geneva Switzerland
9 Zurich Switzerland
10 Milan Italy


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