Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Teal Shag Bands Meanings

Clipboard Poultry - The candling eggs

Oggi volevo rispondere ad una domanda che molti che iniziano l'avventura dell'avicoltura mi hanno posto, ovverosia: è possibile  capire se un uovo è stato fecondato o meno? Ecco un breve video che affronta questo argomento, entrando più nel dettaglio di una particolare tecnica detta speratura.

Obviously, is not possible from external examination only tell if an egg has been fertilized or not . We can reasonably expect that if the chicken has been fertilized egg that was deposed in a fertile period and at the same time there was a rooster in the hen house, also in full breeding season (ie outside the period of the set). The only way we can be sure of this however, is to incubate and then proceed with an operation that is called candling .

candling is to pass a beam of light from the blunt pole of an egg, to illuminate the interior and highlight the possible presence of the embryo. There are also special tools called EGGS CANDLER, but for a beginner a flashlight and a dark room are the most convenient and easiest way to approach the candling. Older Farmers and ranchers experts can also hope the eggs simply by placing them against the light in the sun and partial screen with your hand, but we need actually a little 'practice to succeed with equal success.

candling can be made more or less difficult by the type of incubator we use for our eggs. In those basket, the eggs retain an almost vertical position, which on the one hand, generally translates into a higher percentage of hatching the other makes the candling more complicated, because unlike traditional incubators (where the egg is placed horizontally, and gravity is almost always place the embryo near the shell making it more visible) in that basket, the embryo can be placed just below the bladder, even away from the shell, which can be seen at most a few veins. To be sure of the future and then insemination in this case we have to wait at least 6-8 days before successfully on candling.

In practice, an unfertilized egg alla luce della lampada appare completamente chiaro e trasparente; si fatica anche a distinguere la camera d'aria, in alto sul polo ottuso. Un uovo fecondato di circa 6-7 giorni mostra nel polo ottuso ben chiara la camera d'aria, e sotto si possono notare un'intrico di vene con evidente una macchia più scura, l'embrione , che tende a muoversi assecondando le oscillazioni dell'uovo se lo facciamo ondeggiare. Dopo invece due settimane l'uovo fecondato si presenta completamente scuro perchè l'embrione lo ha oramai occupato del tutto, crescendo; si può solo vedere la camera d'aria, molto chiaramente, che tenderà ad aumentare le proprie dimensioni dal 18° giorno in poi.

white shell eggs to the candling can be performed already on day 4, with some success, in that shell pink or brown, instead of starting from the 6th to 8th day. It 'a good idea then to repeat the 16-18th day, to control the development of the embryo and remove those eggs in which the embryo is dead in the meantime.


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