Tuesday, January 6, 2009

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New Year (oshougatsu お正月) is the most important holiday in Japan at this time and as we decorate our homes with Christmas symbols, using the Japanese New Year decorations in many homes. This year we have prepared the corner oshougatsu.

Left-c is a small altar with two cows, this is because according to the Chinese horoscope 2009 is the year of the cow. Every year around New Year can be seen in shops, temples and homes different representations (pictures, dolls, etc..) year of the animal that will characterize the new parameter, which drives away bad luck. At its heart is a
kagamimochi (镜 饼) a symbol that derives from the Shinto religion. Originally formed by two different forms of mochi, the little one on top and larger at the bottom. Today you can find on the market of plastic structures in real mochi. The two mochi are placed on a kind of altar called sanpou (三宝) that will protect the house from fire during the year. Among the mochi and sanpou there is a sheet of paper. The kagamimochi is an offer that is made to the gods, and is held in the house until the 11th of January when it can be eaten families, but without using the knife, it must be broken by hand. On the right hand a small
Kadomatsu (门 松), also a symbol used to accommodate the Shinto god Toshigami ( 年 神 ) the divinity of the new year. In fact if you go to Japan you will find them large and in front of the houses. Can be created in several ways, depending on the city, but they all have three bamboo canes of different heights than that in order siboleggiano heaven, humanity and the earth.


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