Saturday, January 31, 2009

Milena Velba Nadine Jansen Milking

Che vergogna

Two weeks ago we went to the police station Milano aggiornare il permesso di soggiorno di Miyuki. Mi era stato consigliato di andare la mattina presto per ritirare i numeri elimina coda e quindi alle 6.30 di mattina eravamo già in fila (e non tra i primi) di fronte all'ufficio, con una temperatura intorno ai zero gradi, attenti a non farci scavalcare dai soliti furbetti che ci provavano. Per fortuna alle 7.30 hanno aperto gli uffici e ci siamo potuti accomodare all'interno ma... da qui in poi il buio. Alle 8.00 i vari sportelli hanno inziato a scandire i turni ma con una lentezza Kafkiana. Non esistendo uno sportello di informazioni regnava l'anarchia totale, tra la difficoltà della lingua e la disinformazione gli utenti impegnavano gli operatori di sportello tra la fine di un turno e l'inzio del prossimo delaying the flow of numbers. Also roamed the offices of the figures, which probably offer their expertise in payment for those in need, and who would not dream of take turns, and probably do not even have the number, contributing to the accumulation of tens of minutes our expectation.
When it was our turn (at about 12:00) I have to say I tovato door competent operators and it all worked out soon but only for the control of documents, to have the proper permit ( yet the old piece of paper) is to be expected signature of responsible and to be attacked some of the photo for this abiamo waited another 2 hours!

We left the office after seven and a half hours after our arrival!

Not only that, the premises of the waiting room were very cold and the toilets were out of order! (Or, as some claimed not to clean them attack the cartel to discourage use). I honestly I was ashamed and sorry for my wife and I tried sorrow for all those mothers who were waiting with young children who were crying.

It 's a shame for a country that defines itself civilized and ranks among the most industrialized states.


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