Monday, November 1, 2010

Jenna Jamenson In The Masuse

Clipboard Poultry - Build and operate a poultry house in 10 moves .

Gallina di razza cocincina gigante. Foto di Andrea mangoni, esemplare di Marco Toffoli.

Oggigiorno sempre più persone sentono la necessità di un differente rapporto con la Natura e - perché no? - col cibo. Una sorta di "ritorno alle origini", per molti, perché magari i propri genitori o nonni facevano i contadini. Ecco quindi, per tutti coloro wishing to start breeding chickens but they do not know where to start, a simple handbook on what it is worth to know to start off right.
  1. Start with a clear idea . What do you want? A chicken coop purely ornamental, a production of eggs for the whole family, chickens for meat? Knowing what will our initial choices is very important. Move towards one or other of the above options is not indifferent, and a strong influence in our initial choices. In particular, the choice of the race at this point will become crucial, since that will affect all features of our kennel. Reflect then on your needs, plan ahead and you will not find with unpleasant surprises.
  2. Take your space. That is, how much space should be calculated carefully to your farm. The chickens will need to move, to graze in a meadow and safe to move freely, as well as a night shelter. Calculated an average, if possible in 10 square meters per head (as in organic farming). In the case of space problems, you could get up to 2.5 square meters per head (as in farming), but be aware that this will mean they can no longer count on a green pasture (because the chickens will transform the desert of Tatars); Moreover, the chickens will probably be more likely to suffer from coccidiosis and other parasitic diseases. But would you be able to afford them even the minimum space that allows these animals to enjoy psychological well-being and to perform all their specific behaviors. The number of chickens will be calculated according to our needs: a group of 8 to 10 layers may be sufficient for the needs of the eggs of a family of 4, while a small family breeding of broilers can be made up of two groups of 25 Animals purchased in two separate periods of the year. If instead of ornamental breeds, could be enough a rooster and hens 3-5, in the case of dwarf breeds spaces could also be reasonably decreased.
  3. Eye grazing. It 's a fundamental part of the farm. The hens can integrate it with pasture as much as 50% of their diet, resulting in savings for your pocketbook and the health of your animals. Calculated, as mentioned above, 10 square feet of pasture per head. The lawn will be made up of plants that are pleasing to the chickens - eg. dandelion , galinsoga , clover, alfalfa, plantain, etc. ... To provide shade, plant some fruit trees that do not require treatment with pesticides: a tree of cack, for example, or a bower of grapes or kiwi strawberry. Anche cespugli come il ribes saranno graditi. Nel caso viviate in zone ricche di predatori, potrà essere necessario costruire una recinzione solida e ben congegnata. Per difendervi dall'attacco di volpi e cani, che scavano volentieri, interrate la rete di recinzione per circa 50 cm; lasciatela invece lasca - non tesa - nella parte superiore, in maniera che se gli animali dovessero tentare di scalarla questa si possa rivelare per loro troppo instabile, facendoli così desistere. in caso abbiate invece timore di attacchi di rapaci, pensate a ricoprire il recinto con una buona rete da fagiani.

  4. Una dimora sicura . Il ricovero notturno degli animali dovrà avere determinate caratteristiche che garantiscano their welfare. Calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe building so that you have a square meter of area every 4 animals. For example, a group of 8 hens minimum space for the housing of animals should be about 2 square meters, ie a space of two meters by one. Treat that there are drafts and drafts. A third of the base will be occupied by a perch where the animals can sleep at night, this consists of strips of wood with rounded corners of a thickness of about 3 cm, should be positioned approximately 50 cm in height. Below the roost at night may be willing raccoglifeci a bin for easy cleaning. Use a wooden or concrete bottom to avoid some predators such as rats can enter the shelter by digging a tunnel, and arrange on a litter of chips dusted for easy cleaning. In the Night Shelter will host well nests to lay their eggs.
  5. choosing a breed to suit your needs . Un'ovaiola has different characteristics from an ornamental as well as a chicken broiler and dual attitude. dates, if possible, preference to local races and / or native, accustomed for centuries to the living conditions of our campaigns. In any case, these layers are probably the best commercial Livorno (or 'warehouse'), and the hybrids known as Isa Warren Brown or Isa. Among broilers is reported instead a series of heavy-duty hybrids, characterized by rapid growth rates. However, it would in my opinion the most interesting and useful to give preference to dual-purpose breeds and growing a bit 'slower, such as Bionda Piemontese , Polverara , Millefiori Lonigo , Bianca di Saluzzo, Modenese , among the foreign breeds are very good for this purpose the Barred Plymouth Rock, New Hampshire, Rhode Island. For breeds ornamental but there is plenty of choice.
  6. Choose carefully the breeder from which to take animals . The commercial hybrids and Livorno from the warehouse also found in poultry markets, and in the case of hens often these animals lived in warehouses and end of their careers are the way of the market rather than the pan. But in many other cases the animals are to be sought with little light at the breeders trust, which can ensure good quality standards (if any) and above all good health care practices to animals. Start with a group of animals healthy and strong is priceless, if you raise breeds ornamental or display, it is worth also make sure that the strain of departure is not too much inbreeding and that the animals are truly standard (in this case, you must study well the standard of the breed that interests you!), to be trimmed solemn catch.
  7. Heal the introduction of chickens in their new home . If there are other animals hen house, lock the chickens in the house at night and let set for a couple of days. Given food and water immediately the day after purchase. However, if there are already other chickens, hierarchical attention to the struggles to be born: the new arrivals will certainly be harassed by older guests. Keep them for the first week in a large cage in the shelter at night, so that the other birds get used to their presence. As a result, always leave some available perches unsure where to seek refuge and newcomers alike predispose the partitions to "L" for hiding the visual costutuire. On the part of one to two weeks, the new hierarchy should be established. Never insert an adult rooster in a hen house guests who already have one: you will be facing a struggle to the death.
  8. Eye nutrition. The water must be clean and will be changed so frequently. If kept in hospital overnight, the trough will be placed on a grid raised from the floor. The food will be plentiful and appropriate to the needs of the animals on the farm place in cribs in the night shelter. Hens and chicks in growth will require food with more protein component, the other animals we can give a basic feed comprising a mixture of grains, for example consisting of 50% corn and the rest from barley, oats, soybean meal, sorghum, rice, green grain. The vegetables should be part of the diet as well as wild herbs, if they have not already grazing available, you can use the animals in a rack lifted from the ground.
  9. Prevention is better than cure. Proper nutrition, as well as being central to the welfare of the animal, can contribuire a prevenire alcune patologie . E' inoltre importante garantire la massima pulizia, cambiando ogni due settimane (o anche più, se necessario) la lettiera del ricovero notturno. In caso di evidenti sintomi di malessere (es. polli inappetenti, con occhi sempre chiusi, piumaggio constantemente arruffato, debolezza, diarrea, ecc...) contattate il servizio veterinario della vostra USL, facendovi indicare il veterinario esperto in avicoli più vicino a voi. La vaccinazioni possono non essere indispensabili, ma una sola è obbligatoria: quella per la pseudopeste. E' sufficiente farsi fare la ricetta dal veterinarioi della propria USL, gratuitamente, e poi acquistare il vaccino che di norma costa pochissimo.

  10. Obblighi legali ed altro . Il pollaio dovrà essere costruito ad una certa distanza dalle abitazioni; tale distanza spesso varia da comune a comune. Informatevi presso la vostra amministrazione, così pure come per l'obbligo di denuncia per la costruzione del ricovero notturno. L'allevamento di polli andrà anche denunciato alla USL: non preoccupatevi, non comporterà controlli nè spese, e vi darà diritto a farvi fare le ricette per i medicinali dalla USl di competenza. Basterà andare al servizio veterinario della USL stessa e chiedere di registrare il proprio allevamento amatoriale per autoconsumo.

Ecco, con questo il breve decalogo è terminato. Per altri argomenti importanti, come l'accoppiamento, la riproduzione, la cova e l'incubazione delle uova, vi invito a consultare il label Avicoltura di questo blog. Alla prossima!




Alcuni polli scorrazzano in un campo di grano. Foto di Andrea Mangoni.


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