Saturday, November 27, 2010

Michelle Ruch Houston

Non è un paese per dottorandi – da Repubblica on line

Non è un paese per dottorandi – da Repubblica on line
Interessante articolo da Repubblica on line sulla figura dei dottorandi di ricerca
“Non è un paese per PhD. The tank of the brain drain abroad
The PhD is the beginning of an academic career in Italy often the gateway of insecurity. Grants up to a thousand euro, but half are "paying guests" of the universities. Increasingly, after earning the title, they go to

Students, researchers, teachers: well-defined categories within the Italian university system, figures easily identifiable in accordance with the tasks they perform the role play and bodies that carry out within the walls of academia. But in the departments of the faculty there is also the category of "hybrid" of the students always looking for your own status: study but are no longer just students, do research, but researchers are not yet in effect, keep learning modules (often for free or symbolic for a fee) and are exams just like the full professors but most of them - even legitimately aspire to a chair - will never be able to get into the role because of cuts in the university, there will be room for only 1 out of 5 (20%). So the title of "PhD" or "PhD" - and abroad is considered as the first step of the academic career - in Italy more often is simply the prelude of intellectual insecurity. Despite this negative congiutura those enrolled in the three-year programs are a total of 40 thousand (about 13 thousand new members per year).

money or hunger. The last piece of legislation in favor of the students goes back almost two and a half years ago, in June 2008 the Minister Mariastella Gelmini, the beginning of his mandate, signed a decree to increase scholarships (file prepared by his predecessor Mussi first

of fall of the Prodi government, ed), lead by 800 to just over 1,000 euro per month. But the economic benefit is not for all, the law grants should cover at least 50% of places available. So the real issue to be resolved - ever faced by the policy - covers the whole figure of the Italian "student without a scholarship," which to carry out its research activities - side by side with his "colleagues with bag" - not only is not paid, but is also in the paradoxical position of having to pay tuition fees. In practice, the university will treat it as a postgraduate student "paying guest" when in reality the tasks and the research produced in the laboratories of the department should benefit the University and produce knowledge (eg scientific publications) and economic return (in the case of patents).

Thirty years of doctoral studies. In these days are running out the latest calls for the selection of the XXVI cycle - starting in January 2011 - and this year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the PhD in Italy, established by decree in 1980. An anniversary that invites you to draw conclusions. Fernando D'Aniello, national secretary of ADI (Association of Italian PhD students and PhDs), takes stock of the situation from the critique: "The budget can only be negative for two reasons: a structural, because Italy is a country that has invested little in research and lack of adequate job opportunities, and the other, linked to stock value, since we do not get concrete answers from politics. For years, the minister Gelmini announces the intention to hit the barons and promote meritocracy in the universities but not seen on the horizon measures in this respect. "

If the company thinks small. Once you reach the coveted goal, then, who must be forced to seek their own way out of the university is an environment extra-academic "penalizing", where I also have to play well against the time factor, as pointed out by D'Aniello, "Here the title is awarded to an average of 29 years, but often the production system - made up of small and medium-sized businesses - consider the PhD as a simple graduate, only three more years on his shoulders, and did not approve a salary more substantial. " In short: more shadows than lights. A reversal of course could only be with a real stock value at the legislative level: evaluation in public competitions, promoting the inclusion of PhD graduates in secondary education and by providing funding "Ad hoc" to encourage their engagement in the business world.

Identikit the student. The Value of X CNVSU (National Committee for the Evaluation of the University System) is the most recent ministerial document available that contains data on doctoral research in Italy to date academic year 2008/2009. The numbers speak for themselves: there is an excessive fragmentation of the courses (2145), the more attractive to new members who have graduated in a foreign university is quite low (7.3%) in the period 2005-2008 Ministry of Education funds to cover scholarships for graduate students decreased from 58.6% to 50.5% and the universities have had to overcome this deficiency by increasing its share from 21.5% to 30.6%. As for the students: only 28.9% of those enrolled in a degree in a university other than that of doctorate, 34.4% of the students did not receive any support for the three-year doctorate.

Bye Bye Italy. In light of our data system as being excessively closed and not very stimulating, especially when compared with foreign academic institutions with a high level of internationality. Also for this reason it is hard not to understand why an increasing proportion of doctoral students, especially technical and scientific areas, decides to leave the country once earned the title. In some cases the "brain drain" is a few years in advance and the period of PhD becomes "out": not only for better pay than in Italy, but also for the open and multicultural environment in which We will interact. In the absence of a clear trend reversal, as highlighted by a recent scientific paper of the Office of the Embassy of Italy in Sweden: "It will increase the tendency to become Italy's only one market, without a truly competitive position in science and technology in the European Union. Paradoxically, in this situazione, i ricercatori formati nelle università italiane contribuiscono al declino dell’Italia stessa, creando nuova conoscenza e attirando capitale nel nuovo paese dove sono emigrati e dove riescono ad applicare con successo la loro formazione”. Il resto del mondo sentitamente ringrazia.
In questo articolo però si è dimenticato di parlare del potere che hanno i tutor sui dottorandi. In italia se sei fortunato e trovi un tutor “illuminato” allora puoi fare ricerca in piena libertà e autonomia altrimenti sei costretto a vivere una vita monacale, sotto una dittatura e neanche sai se potrai mai fare carriera. Credo che il motivo principale per cui tanti giovani scappano dal nostro paese sia proprio questo, al di là dei soldi, che ovviamente servono.
Secondo noi sarebbe necessario che chi vince una borsa di studio debba scegliersi lui con chi lavorare, cambierebbero tante cose.


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