Friday, December 10, 2010

Shareware Moremotion

Gli italiani votano Berlusconi.

Fifteen years after every election there is always a great surprise to find that the party of Silvio Berlusconi is always one that gets the most support. To hear the pre-election claims of his political opponents, they all expect a meltdown every time election of the Knight, but he is always there.
He always comes out as the most important politician of the sad, sad Italian landscape.
We are not referring as much to win hands down in the last elections, fairly obvious, but rather to the 2006 elections when, after five years of his poor governance and the electoral defeat of his coalition, his party was still the most votes.
The strange thing, though, is that you never find anybody who goes around bragging that he voted for Berlusconi. Yet we believe it is right behind this reticence that hide the deeper reasons for the success of Berlusconi and the defeat of the Left.
The reason no one claims to have voted in our view is that in recent decades, the "pseudo-left", arrogant and self-referential, invaded by any means any place where the potential target was present electoral , inducing voters Berlusconi to be ashamed, or even fear, in siding with the "Lord."
A joke is a good example to understand this phenomenon of intellectual racism. It circulates a lot about Berlusconi and those who vote, but this explains everything.
The joke in question states that God, when he created the world's peoples, he gave them each two qualities. Alas, to the Italians gave it three: intelligence, honesty and force Italy to vote. The Archangel Gabriel, however, aware that the Italians were given three qualities and not two, like other peoples, the fearfully pointed out to the Lord. These would remedy ordering that were attributed to every Italian only two of the three qualities that he had created for this nice people, so that today each Italian or is intelligent and honest, but do not vote for Forza Italy, or is smart and vote for Forza Italy, but it's dishonest; or if he is honest and vote for Forza Italy, can not be an idiot.
reading this joke, you can smile for a moment, but a person with a little 'intellect is not biased, just understand that you can not settle on a surface so the vote of a majority of Italians.
The reasons why the Italians vote Berlusconi are others. First of many begin feel that the solutions to social problems of the Left are not very different religious opium.
Who has blurry vision drug, however, they can note with the greatest aspirations which determine the freedom of a man, find answers from the Left who do not meet any legitimate claim to dignity. The solution put forward by the prince left for work, for example, is to let go of any prospect of achieving the aspiration and talent, to chase the "Place" means exploited to exhaustion, just to lull the minds and achieve election results.
The Left, in practice, non si è resa conto che ogni essere umano ha la propria personale ricetta per combattere il capitalismo e che la soluzione marxista non è l’unica possibile. Anzi è probabilmente la peggiore.
Piuttosto che guardare chi vota Berlusconi con l'arroganza e la supponenza di chi è unico cultore del sapere, allora, bisognerebbe calarsi un po’ nella realtà di chi non ha avuto o no ha voluto drogarsi con le soluzioni marxsiste, cioè tutti gli Italiani che non hanno mai avuto o voluto dallo stato aiuti economici, lavoro, casa. Persone che volendo o nolendo sono state tagliate fuori dal sistema socio-assistenziale creato in tanti anni dall'ex DC ed ex PCI. Persone che hanno dovuto arrangiarsi in tutti ways and who now wish to continue to go it alone. People who no longer have a fixed place of worship, but they have evolved a culture diametrically opposite and opposed to those who still believe in hope and aid policy.
The real reason why the Italians vote Berlusconi, then, is not the allure of money, nor the fact brainwashed by his television, nor the desire to evade taxes, or stupidity or naivete of those who vote, as even many supporters of the Left may think. Rather it is the desire to counteract a culture that is intolerant and arrogant claim to know what the good of all. The defeat of the Left is daughter, and this will sound absurd to the old political thinkers of this part, a cultural growth of the country and especially young people, that no one wants to see, but which allowed the excess part of the masses of the ideologies imposed by those who want to rape. Many do not admit it, they want to believe that Italians are now the most ignorant of a few decades ago, when nobody knew how to read and write. But we are convinced that this is not true. People do not vote for Berlusconi because he expects something according to those who were once the hopes and demands of the voters to a political, but the definitive liberation of the promises by politicians and by those who claim to know what is good in him.
We do not want to go further. It almost seems like we're making a political manifesto pro Berlusconi. It is absolutely not our intention. But sadly, our considerations lead us to think that today there is no better than the Knight in the Italian political scene. Yet we believe that this is the truth. We do not want to believe that Italian society is not capable of expressing opposition without serious ideological and vulgar envy. But before the birth of a serious opposition movement is necessary to understand that Berlusconi has not said for the stupidity of the electorate. Especially those in politics can not be so disrespectful and so stupid in this case, yes, think.
why we launch this blog, in order to boost the growth of a new political culture, Microliberista, abandoning the arrogance of the ideologues who were and finally proposing a democratic debate without preconceptions and presumption and that can act as true strength of opposition to Berlusconi.

the telescope


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